
PSP for Nude Pics

I was bored, so I decided to fuck with people on craigslist.

Here's the original ad:
"I'm looking for a working psp with at least 1 game, charger and in good condition. I'm trading a blue ds lite (like new) with 7 games for the psp."

Here's the email convo:

I have the white darth vader psp. I have GTA Liberty City stories for it along with the charger. I will trade it for your DS Lite only if you throw in a picture of your mom posing explicitly. And why the fuck would I trade you my psp for 7 psp games? That's pointless.

Jo Chung

You're pathetic kid, first off you didn't even read my ad right. learn to comprehend shit before running that little mouth of yours. You have no life if you respond to craigslist ads just to waste time out of your life accomplishing nothing. grow a dick and wack off to porn little boy. no one cares if you die, seriously. go look at your mom naked and then fantasize about her like you always do k? k.

The person that owned you

If you send me a picture of yourself with a sign saying, "I'm sorry Jo Chung," written in a cute font with a heart or two on it, I'll reconsider the offer and might even throw in a free pair of psp earphones and a white psp strap as well.

Jo Chung

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I guess he blocked my email? What a shame, he missed out on a great counter-offer.

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