
Shower Shit

You know what I hate? I hate it when you're taking a nice shower, and then all of a sudden you feel like you have to take a shit. No, you do have to take a shit. How troublesome. What do you do now? Do you hold it in until after the shower or do you just bust out of the shower and take that crap? You could try to hold it in, but that shit is there, and do you really want to take a dump after you've just cleaned your ass? I don't, that's too annoying.

So now you've hopped out of your shower, and you're sitting on your toilet all wet and shit, taking that crap. What I don't like about this is that the whole toilet's a mess now, and I have to wipe that shit dry afterward. What a pain in the ass. Ah, so you've taken your shit and you feel much better now. Now lies the most important question: do you wipe your ass with toilet paper and hop back into the shower, or do you just get back in the shower with your shit-stained asshole and clean that shit there? Personally, I like to wipe first anyway, you know, I don't wanna touch that shit in the shower, but maybe some people get off to that shit.

P.S. If you get off to that shit, you're fucking gay.


WTF is the song name?

I hate it when assholes on youtube don't fucking put the song name they used in their video in the video description. Seriously, if you're going to put a song in your video, give some credit and let people know what song it is all at the same time. It's like, let me put this awesome song in the video, but I won't tell anyone what it's called because only I can know. Or maybe it's a possible advertising scheme. You know, every time you want to listen to the song, you have to go watch his video and he'll rake up views for it. Most of the time, the video either sucks or sucks. Either way, it's pretty fucking gay how the song's almost never included. Although, sometimes the user who posted the video posts it as a comment. Now I have to search through fifteen fucking pages spanning hundreds of comments each to find the fucking song name? Seriously, just put it in the fucking video description, asshole.

It's even worse when these assholes disable the comments on videos. Now you either have to send them a private message asking for the song. This will either result in: you getting the song, you getting shitted on for no reason, or no response because the asshole doesn't log on anymore. Great, well now all you have left to do is gather all your friends, show them that video, and hope to god at least someone knows what the fuck that song is called.

P.S. Fuck youtube for disabling songs on videos, you fucking jews.

It's Toh-May-Toh, Assholes

I haven't posted in ages... Anyway, I think I'll change how I do things around here. Instead of trying to think of topics to write about (what I was doing before), I'll just write about every little thing that pisses me off on a day-to-day basis.

With that said, I fucking hate people who pronounce the word "tomato" like this: "toh-mah-toh." It's pronounced "toh-may-toh," and if you can't fucking say it that way, then don't fucking say it at all. Are you trying to sound more intelligent or something? And what really pisses me off are the people that say "toh-mah-toh" and then have the balls to say, "Oh, toh-may-toh, toh-mah-toh, it's all the same!" No, it's not the same, asshole; "toh-may-toh" is the correct way to say it. On a side note, a tomato is a vegetable, fuck the fags that call it a fruit, you fucking fruits.