
Call of Duty 4 - PC Version

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a fairly older game. It's not really old, but it did come out last year, but that doesn't mean that it's not worthwhile at all. In fact, it's one of the top first person shooters for the Xbox 360 gaming console right now. I don't know the exact number, but I believe it was something like forty million copies that were sold of the game since it was first released. Anyway, I'm not going to be talking about Xbox 360 here, but about CoD4(Call of Duty 4) on the PC(Personal Computer).

So I've had CoD4 for the Xbox 360 almost ever since it was first released, but over the last week or so, I've been hitting up internet cafes and playing CoD4 on the PC with a few friends, so I figured I might as well get it for PC since most of them don't have an Xbox 360. Of course since I already have a version of CoD4 for Xbox 360, there's no way I'm spending another sixty bucks so I can play it on my PC. What better way to get something so great and expensive for free other than torrents. If you don't know what torrents are, damn you've been missing out on some great opportunities.

Anyway, since I'm sure almost everyone has played CoD4 at least once I'm not going to get into detail about what the game's about and its mechanics. I'm just going to be comparing the Xbox 360 version with the PC version. If you've never played CoD4, well you better get your ass to the nearest game shop and buy it. No money? Then get the PC Version and download it from a torrent. It's illegal, but free, and come on, it's not like you've never illegally downloaded anything before. Yeah, you like getting all those songs for free on Limewire right? Well, it's illegal. Anyway, to save you some time looking for the torrent, follow this link and get it from there. There are a lot of people seeding it, but a lot more leechers too, but it's probably the best one out there and depending on your speed and the number of seeds, you should get it down in a day or so. It took me about twenty-two hours to fully download, but for a game its size, that's a pretty good time.

The torrent comes with a No-CD crack for single player mode, and also with a Key Code Generator for multiplayer play. The only downside is, all of those keys are being used. You won't imagine how many people are playing CoD4 as you read this blog, but they are there, using those CD Keys, not allowing you to play. Hey, you are getting the game for free, so don't get your panties in a twist about not being able to play. Thankfully, there's a solution: Private/Cracked Servers. Here is a list of private servers that you can play on, Private-Servers. And this is how you log on to the servers. First you open up your CoD4 multiplayer client, press " ` " on your keyboard, of course don't press the quotes, those are there to show you what you need to press, which is the key located directly to the left side of the "1" on your keyboard. After you've done so, an input box comes up. Type in, without quotes, "connect" It'll connect to the game if your ping is low enough. If your ping is too high, get a better connection. If the server is full, go get a new one from the list. Anyway, that's how you get onto CoD4 on your PC for free.

Anyway, getting back to the point, CoD4 is pretty much the same on PC as it is on the Xbox 360. There are a few differences though. One of the first is, well you get to use your keyboard and mouse to play the game. If you've never used your keyboard other than to type up an essay, well you're screwed. The keys are fairly simple to use, and once you get used to them you'll do just fine. You can change the key up if you want as well, but for me I just left most of them as they were. You can use any mouse, but if you want to make things easier on yourself, you can get a gaming mouse. I use a Logitech G5 and with it I have a few more buttons on my mouse to make combat easier for myself. If you really want to, you can use a controller, but if you want to experience a new way to play, just use your keyboard(or if you're used to a keyboard & mouse, use your controller).

I've only played the PC Version for a few days, and I'm already level twenty-three. I don't remember the title rank, but it's around that number. Gaining levels is easy, especially if you do the challenges. I've heard things about the game messing up and resetting your ranks though, so watch out. From what I've seen, your rank info is stored on your hard drive, so it seems that your account details, ranks, and weapons are client-side, which means if you had the tools to do it, you could probably modify it all, but I really don't care for it so I haven't bothered looking up how to do it for this game. Movement is a little different on the PC as well. You can move forward, backward, left, and right like always, but unlike on the console you can strafe left and right a lot easier and the PC version also allows you to lean left and right to take a peak from the side of a wall or window unlike the console version where you would have to move your whole body to take a peak. I have noticed that running and jumping in the game is a little buggy because your character won't always run when you hit the run key and there seems to be a delay on jumping as you are running as well.

Well so far that's all I've noticed from just a few days of playing it on the PC, perhaps there are a lot more differences between the console and computer, but I have yet to discover them. If this article helped you out, please take the time to say thanks or something in the comments. If you want to help me out, click on the google ads on the side of the page. Thanks.


Stone Art

Let me start his off by saying, "What the fuck?" The box he's standing on says "Stone Art," but I see no stones nor do I see any art. I'm sure after reading this there will be some people out there that are going to hate me for pointing out all the misleading points in this guy's presentation, so in advance I'm just going to tell you to shut the hell up and stop wasting your time trying to get me to show sympathy for the performer's mistakes. Anyway, there are two major flaws in this "Stone Art" performance, both are pretty obvious, but I'm sure most people out there will not even realize them.

Let's start off with the first point, "Stone Art." Where the hell is the stone? I see no stone anywhere. I see a man failing to impersonate a stone, but I see no stone. "OMG! There's a stone right over there on the ground!" If you just thought that to yourself, get the fuck off of my blog and never return. This man dressed up in an all grey outfit, standing completely still, is a good impersonation of a stone. I'll give him that, he has the balls to stand on a fucking box all day for a few dollars. Not many people are willing to do that, let alone get a real job. His "stone" impersonation is going great, but as soon as someone drops some change in his box, he starts to move. Okay, I don't know what kind of world the rest of you guys live in, but I have never seen a stone start moving unless some outside force interferes with it. Immobilization is good; movement is bad, very bad. Other than his movement as a "stone," are the clothes he wears. Why the fuck is some of his apparel silver?

My second point, "Is he a stone-man or a fucking robot?" Every time he moves he makes a fucking robotic buzzing noise. What the hell? Seriously, get your act straight; stones don't make any sound, let alone sounds that robots make. I wonder if any one has ever realized any of this before. The case is probably not because people are too busy taking photos and pooling all their money together so they can dump it in his bucket so he can give them a lollipop or a kiss on the hand.

If this was truly "Stone Art," he would stand there the whole day without moving, just like a stone. He will not use the restroom and refrain from moving at all costs whether his bucket of cash gets looted or if someone were to punch him in the dick. And on top of it all, he will not make any robot sounds. If I were to ever met a "Stone Art" guy like that, I'd fucking throw my wallet into his cash bucket.

Get back.


"No Homo"

"No Homo" is a phrase that's somewhat new and it's been going around for quite a while now. Usually it'll be used after an affectionate moment so everyone who witnessed that moment doesn't think you're a homosexual. Here's an example, the person talking is a male for your information: "Hey John, you look mighty sexy in those jeans, no homo!" That was a very homosexual thing for one male to say to another, and anyone who saw or heard it would most definantly assume you're gay. But wait, you said "no homo" at the end of that compliment, so that automatically idvalidates anyone from assuming you are a raging homosexual, right?

No, wrong. I believe the "no homo" phrase is complete bullshit that some guy pulled out of his ass one day after he was caught in some gay situation. Of course, him having the straightest reputation around cannot even merely show some manly compassion for his best friend or everyone else would think he's actually gay! So, Viola, "no homo" and I'm instantly straight again. It's like a magic eraser that cleases the faggotry away from you so you can live again like every other straight guy out there. Seriously, that's so much bullshit I cannot begin to comprehend how people accept it. It's like, "I just ass raped your brother last night while your dad was sucking me off. Don't worry, I said "no homo" so I'm still straight. Right on!"

P.S. I love you guys, no homo.


World of Warcraft

I've always wanted to play World of Warcraft so I can see what all the fuss was about, but I never really wanted to because it costs money to play and because I heard it was extremely addictive. The other day I saw an ad somewhere that was advertising a World of Warcraft(WoW) ten day free trial. So, I figured, what the heck, let's give it a try, it's only ten days and chances I won't far enough in the game to want to buy the full thing.

After finally setting up my account, and filling in fake personal info in all those fields they make you fill out, I was ready to kick some ass. On a side note, I really have no idea why the hell they need your state, address, phone number, and all that other personal info. Are they going to track you down if you mess around on the game? Who knows. Getting back on track, WoW was a whole milestone from what I've heard of it. I've heard things like the graphics are bad, and game play sucks. Honestly, it was nothing like that when I played, so I have no idea what people are talking about. This is how I would sum up my feelings about how great this game really is, "WoW, this game sucks! It's possibly the shittiest game that I have ever laid eyes upon. Seriously, I would rather play Runescape than Wow, and if that doesn't tell you something, you must be mentally retarded."

Let's start with the graphics. I've heard things about how crappy the graphics are, but actually seeing them for myself in-game was just unimaginable. I loved being able to change my character's appearance from looking like crap, to looking like a putrid pile of shit. I even traveled to a semi-populated town where I found some higher level characters. They had higher level equipment, but it still looked like some kind of crap made out of clay or something. This one guy had a sword that was on fire, it was an improvement in graphics, but still not good enough. Sorry, but Blizzard you seriously need to improve WoW's graphics a lot. It's not the year 2000 anymore guys, get on your asses and start rendering up a more realistic world.

The gameplay wasn't any better, so that didn't win my heart to play either. I can't stand a game with bad graphics, but if the controls are a mess, there's no point in trying to continue the game. It's pretty nice using your keyboard to move, but why the hell can't I use my mouse and click on a spot where I want to move to? Is it so hard to put that into the game? Attacking is similar to a lot of other MMORPGs, the classic hack-and-slash, but WoW has a certain change that really annoyed the hell out of me. In order to start the hack-and-slash sequence after clicking your mouse to attack, you have to be facing the monster you want to attack and you also have to be in range. What the fuck? Why can't I just click my mouse so my character can automatically get in to position and initiate the hack-and-slash sequence of attacks where I can then use whatever skills or spells that I want while my character is doing its part? This game's a joke, thank god I only used a trial version to play and didn't waste my own hard earned cash on this crap.

The game did have something I liked though, so don't think I hated everything about it. When you would die, you would become a ghost and you would have to look for your corspe in order to come back to life. I found that feature interesting, but everything else was horrible.

If you're thinking about starting to play WoW for the first time, please just get the ten day trial and save yourself from wasting any money on this pile of putrid roadside skunk shit.


Britney and McCain in 2008

I'm not into politics, nor have I been following the political campaigns of the '08 elections, but that doesn't mean I can't share this video with you. I think it's kind of funny. Maybe it's actually funnier if you were following up on the McCain campaigns, but I haven't so I wouldn't know. On a side note, I have to say Britney Spears looks pretty hot in this video; it's unfortunate that I cannot say that about her anymore. Anyway, enjoy.

Boston Dynamics Big Dog

This is by far the scariest robot I've seen to date. It's gait just scares the shit out of me, and that weird buzzing sound it makes just adds to it. The first part of the video where it shows it in the woods is pretty creepy by itself. Now imagine yourself in those woods at night and you heard and saw that thing getting close to you. I don't know about you guys, but I would get the hell away from it as soon as possible. To top it off, its ability to balance itself and not fall over is amazing. In the clip a guy kicks it on the side, and it recovers from the kick without even falling. It can walk on what looks like any type of terrain. The video shows it walking on rocks, snow, bricks, and even on ice. It's pretty amazing, and pretty creepy at the same time. I wonder what they're going to use it for. It's probably going to end up as a military bag carrier or something like that, but maybe the new versions of it might have guns attached and all that other good stuff. Enjoy the video!


Punch 'Em In The Dick

This is truly one of those rare songs out there that actually sound good for their genre. Hey, but don't take my word for, listen to it yourself and see what you think. The song is by Juicy Karkass and you can go to his myspace page here to listen to his other songs.

Juicy Karkass - Punch 'Em In The Dick




I was coming home today when I saw an ad about some pills that you can take to become Kanye. I stopped and read it over to see if it was real, or what the deal was with it. I have no idea what all of this is about, but I'm sure it's tied into that infomercial and probably something I missed on Comedy Central. Please, do tell me what's up, I want to be Kanye too.


"Love Bot" Femisapien

I was going to write a blog on this, but after watching it and reading all of CanadianVandal's annotations on it, I realized that all of those annotations summed up everything I wanted to say. Thank you CanadianVandal, you've saved me a hell load of time from writing up on this. Sadly, the annotations only work when you're on Youtube.com itself, so please go and watch the video here for the full effect. One last thing that I think is necessary was this user's comment:

clownzmustdie92 (15 minutes ago)
"maybe in a few years...." 'it'll have a vagina!"

LOL, what a robot!